Guitars of High Quality Craftsmanship

Produced by IGS Workshop Design and Construction, Adapted from World-Class Guitars.

How’s the quality of guitars from Ivan Guitar Studio®?

Guitar IGS Categories


Entry level series of all IGS products. Made from 100% full solid wood which is intended to help Indonesian guitarists enjoy a full solid guitars at affordable prices and excellent quality.

IGS Premium Series

Standard Series of IGS products. In this series, Top wood uses higher grade spruce/cedar to ensure better sound quality. This series also has extensive and varied customization options.

IGS Especial

This is one of the highest series in the IGS product line. 80% of components used are imported wood to achieve a much better sound, better structural stability, and beautiful aesthetics. This series is in stock with limited customization options in purpose to make the price as affordable as possible.

IGS High End Series

Boutique Guitar Series in the IGS product line. made with standards of material, craftsmanship and sound equal to or even exceeding imported high end guitars.

IGS Special Category

Sometimes IGS produces unique instruments based on customer orders.
Our Professional Players

Alisa Shafira

Alisa is an Indonesian violinist-guitarist and arranger. She has been actively performing overseas in concerts, gigs, events, and has collaborated with various amazing artists.

Other Pro Players:

Evelyn Jiang

Evelyn Jiang berasal dari kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Ketertarikannya dengan

Luhung Swantara

Luhung merupakan seorang fingerstyle gitaris dengan gaya permainan yang sangat

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